The CRP panel meets every other month on the second Tuesday. Click here for dates and agendas and to RSVP.
The Citizen Review Panel (CRP) is a federally mandated group of citizens who serve as an external, independent oversight body for the District's child welfare system. The CRP evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of District government agencies involved in child protection as well as neighborhood-based services provided by organizations under contract with the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA). The Panel examines the policies, practices, and procedures of CFSA and any other District government agency that provides services to children at risk of abuse and neglect, or to children under the care of CFSA, including the review of specific child cases. Based on this monitoring, the Panel evaluates the extent to which agencies that serve children at risk of abuse or neglect, or that are responsible for children in foster care, are effectively discharging their child protection responsibilities.
For national child welfare information, please visit